Last semester we all made 32-page book-dummies, I totally burned myself out doing it and I'm relatively glad with the results, although I want to redo a lot of it. We were provided with scripts but were allowed to pick our own stories, or write our own. At first I was going to pick either Rapunzel or 'Snow' from the default list, but my professor didn't think either were my style, and my friend said "Why don't you do a viking story?" When she said that it kinda clicked, and this old book I read a few times during daycare at the Swedish Church when I was a wee one. It was about viking gods, and my memory's hazy but there was a dark and grisly spread of a huge wolf biting this guy's hand off. So I picked that particular story/chapter of the edda, about the monster wolf Fenrir. Or "Fernwolf," as my professor took to calling it.

Too Long; Didn't Read: Here are some scans of the decent pages out of the 32.

Odin's son Tyr, the only one of the gods who was brave enough to feed Fenrir or give him water

Urd, Skuld and Verdandi showing the Aesir(gods) the dark destiny of the children of Loki and Angrboda

The children of Loki and Angrboda

Loki and Angrboda

Skirnir visiting the dwarves in Svartalfheim

Skirnir presenting Gleipnir to the Aesir, looking perplexed
Some sketches: