I've been really really excited about Diablo III. I was so so so into Diablo 2 so I'm really excited for 3. I'm working on a painting of a female barbarian, because barbarians are rad(they're all rad, but I figured I had the perfect model so I'd go for barb girl). I did the initial sketch while I was watching this awesome DVD of Drew Struzan painting. So I was watching in total rapture and got really excited and was sketching without any real regard for anatomical correctness. I hadn't really drawn anything besides cartoony doodles in a long time, so it was pretty exciting. Also pictured is a sorceress from Diablo 2, but she's not gonna be in the painting.

I had Calypso pose for me, and projected the drawing onto my board and started painting in egg tempera, but the board is just so so tiny. I also feel like my drawing is kinda stiff and needs to be... cooler. I'm getting a bigger board and starting over in oil (i miss oils) for class, and I'll do the tiny one to learn/practive egg tempera (which is pretty rad). I really really really miss oils though.
This last one's the one I used for my previous painting (also of Calypso, but not a barbarian!) I got the idea from a painting in that special American artists exhibit at the Met. It was one of those where they have a pretty portrait done of their daughters so they could marry them off. We threw an 80s prom dress and a fox tail on her and voíla. I STILL NEED TO FINISH IT THOUGH