Wednesday, September 15, 2010

so I was thinking

My blog posts are all pretty meager, I never really talk about myself or my thoughts of my feelings or my work or anything. I just go "welp, here are some sketches." I'm intending to change that. I generally feel weird about talking about myself and my feelings but that's what blogs are for, right?

So the school semester's rolling into gear... I had a registration fiasco because of missing paperwork (DE-REGISTERED?! WHAT) but it's all been taken care of. I'm pretty excited about classes and getting work done. I reaaalllly need to put a portfolio together, because I really don't have any pieces that I'd be comfortable putting in a portfolio. LAME!

I've started some sketches that I'm super excited about, so I'll post those once I get some more going.


  1. I had portfolio reviews in two classes and one teacher was bs-ing me because things I wasn't even feeling cause they sucked they said I should keep for quantity so I had 7 pieces in that class and in another class I had 4.

  2. I have like nooothing for my portfolio everything I do for school sucks. Trying to change that!!
